Contact SimHerd 

Meet the team behind SimHerd.

Søren Østergaard,

CEO and partner

Søren is the CEO and one of the founding members of SimHerd A/S. He is furthermore a professor at Aarhus University, Department of Animal Science. His main research area is animal health economics with focus on dairy cattle herds.
+45 5142 0215

Jehan Ettema,

Consultant and partner

Jehan is one of the founding members of SimHerd A/S. Jehan primarily works with advisory, education and product development. He has a deep knowledge of the program and Animal health economics. Through many years of teaching and advising Jehan also has a very broad practical knowledge.
+45 5142 0212

Ruth Davis,


Ruth joined the company in 2019 and comes from a background in genetics and applied animal breeding. Ruth primarily works with advisory, education and communication. She has a broad practical knowledge of dairy farming and applied sceince.
+45 4051 5125

Bodil Højlund Nielsen,
DVM, Ph.d.


Bodil joined SimHerd in March 2021 and comes with a background in veterinary epidemiology research and 10 years as a bovine practitioner. Bodil supplements the team with analytical skills and a broad knowledge about bovine health and management. She works with product development, advisory and education.
+45 2241 5142

Julie Brastrup Clasen,



Julie joined SimHerd in October 2022 and comes fra a background in applied animal breeding. Julie has done her Ph.D. on crossbreeding at SLU, and continues to work scientfically with crossbreeding at Aarhus university in a Post Doc. position. She has a deep knowledge in crossbreeding and applied animal breeding. In SimHerd Julie will work with product development and education.
+45 6014 4877

SimHerd A/S

Agro Business Park
Niels Pedersens Alle 2, DK-8830 Tjele

Phone: +45 5142 0212

CVR-nr. 32831036